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What impact will Russian pork’s entry into the Chinese market have?
China is the world's largest pork consumer, but due to factors such as African swine fever, my country's pork production has been greatly impacted, so it needs to import a large amount of pork to meet the demand of the domestic market. China's core channels for importing pork are the European Union and the Americas. Countries such as Spain, Denmark, and the Netherlands are major pig breeding and pork exporting countries, and are my country's main import sources.

Recently, Russian pork has also begun to enter the Chinese market. Although Russia is an important pig producer in the world, its pork exports are relatively small and it currently needs to maintain existing trading partners. Therefore, the amount of Russian pork that can actually enter the Chinese market is limited, and it is expected that it can only meet the needs of a very small number of consumers, and most Chinese people still cannot enjoy the delicious taste of Russian pork. Therefore, although the entry of Russian pork may have a certain impact on China's pork import market, its impact on the Chinese market is relatively small and will not cause much change in the Chinese pork market structure in the short term.