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To Propose a Toast, Be Thankful for 2016
Blink of an eye busy in 2016 has passed,a promising 2017 coming to us. Henan Hengyin company annual meeting in January 8, 2017 in Zhengzhou SiJiTongDa Hotel was held, the company all the staff and leaders gathered together to joint the party.

At the annual meeting, the first by Cui general manager to the staff to extend cordial greetings and good wishes of the New Year, and then by the department heads briefly reviewed of the 2016's achievements and honors, and the good prospects for 2017.

Subsequently, the company for outstanding employees, good managers, special contributions employees and advanced units give them a award and recognition.by Cui general manager awarded prizes for them, to encourage them in the new year continuing efforts .

The meeting ended in a warm atmosphere. Bid farewell to the brilliant 2016, ushered in the hope of 2017, the new year, a new starting point, let us go hand in hand to create a better future.