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Spring pig farm management: key points and difficulties in large-scale pig farms
First of all, the climate in spring is changeable and the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, which brings challenges to the heat preservation work of pig houses. In order to prevent pigs from being stressed due to temperature fluctuations, it is recommended that on the basis of basic insulation measures for pig houses, attention should be paid to strengthening the management of temperature differences in the morning and evening. In addition, as the temperature rises, the production of harmful gases in the pig house will accelerate, so special attention must be paid to ventilation and environmental hygiene. Reasonable ventilation time and ventilation methods can effectively reduce the concentration of harmful gases in pig houses. At the same time, timely cleaning of pig feces and urine, flushing sewers and other measures can also help improve the pig house environment.

Second, strengthening pig farm patrols is the key to timely detection and handling of problems. Breeders should increase their awareness of observation and focus on the pigs' feeding, drinking, excretion, breathing and other conditions, as well as any abnormal behavior and appearance changes. If abnormal conditions are discovered, they should be isolated and treated in time, and records should be kept and reported to superiors. By strengthening patrol fences, problems can be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner, effectively reducing losses.

Third, reducing stress factors in pigs is also one of the focuses of spring management. Stress not only affects the growth and production performance of pigs, but may also induce disease. Therefore, various stress factors should be minimized during the feeding process, such as temperature changes, noise, feed replacement, etc. At the same time, anti-stress additives, such as vitamins, minerals, etc., can be added to the feed to enhance the adaptability and resistance of pigs.

Finally, spring is also the season when various diseases are most common,so it is crucial to prevent and control diseases. Large-scale pig farms should develop scientific vaccination plans and strictly implement them to ensure that pigs receive adequate immune protection. At the same time, combined with the use of drug prevention and treatment measures, as well as strengthening feeding and management, the health level and disease resistance of pigs can be improved.