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Precautions for pig farm disinfection
1. Standardize the use of disinfectant drugs, prepare disinfectant liquid according to the regulations and requirements of the instructions for use, and do not arbitrarily increase or decrease the concentration of the drug.
2. Choose a suitable disinfectant. The selected disinfectant should not only conform to the characteristics of broad spectrum, high efficiency and good stability, but also must choose a drug that is non-irritating or less irritating and less toxic to pigs
3. The time of disinfection, the time of disinfection should be selected at noon every day when the temperature is high. The temperature is positively correlated with the effect of disinfection,and the disinfection work should be carried out during the time period of the day when the temperature is higher.
4. The frequency of disinfection. Under normal circumstances, it is advisable to disinfect pigs in the house once a week. During the epidemic period or when there is a threat of epidemic epidemic in pig farms, the frequency of disinfection should be increased to 2-3 times a week or once every other day.