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How do piglets grow fast?
1 . From the age of piglets 30 days, it is necessary to increase the frequency of feeding, generally 5-6 times a day, and regularly and quantitatively. Every time you feed, you must feed less and add more frequently, which is in line with the habit of piglets fighting for food, and at the same time, it can also reduce feed waste.

2 . Taking advantage of the fact that piglets eat more food in the evening, feed the general feed first.
When the piglets are about to be full, feed their favorite feeds, such as corn, germinated barley, melons, etc., and provide clean drinking water.

3. When piglets are in the prosperous food stage, the feed must be stable and not change too much. If there are changes in management practices, the appetite of piglets will be affected. The time for piglets to eat is in the afternoon in winter and in the evening in summer. During this period of time, the feed intake of piglets can account for more than 50% of the feed intake of the whole day, which is the prime time for piglets to eat.