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Equipment commonly used in small modern pig farms.
1. Cleaning equipment
Modern pig farms generally lay manure floor on the manure ditch, and the manure falls into the ditch through the manure leakage hole. Avoiding contact between pigs and manure is conducive to preventing and reducing the occurrence of diseases.

2. Pig house heating
Pig house heating has electric heating plate, heat preservation lamp and so on. The installation of heat preservation lamps in farrowing crates and nursery crates can effectively improve the survival rate of piglets.

3.Pig farm cooling equipment
Although ventilation is an effective means of cooling, it can only reduce the temperature of the house to close to the ambient temperature outside the house. Now the cooling system commonly used in pig farms is the wet curtain-fan cooling system, whose evaporative cooling efficiency can reach 75%-90%, and it has been gradually used all over the world.