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What are the methods of cleaning manure in pig farms?
In pig production farm, there are generally two ways to remove manure:

The first is the method of dry manure removal, that is, the dry manure is removed manually, and the sewage is discharged from the pig house through the open ditch or the dark ditch. It is characterized by less investment in equipment, low operating cost, and less investment in environmental control, but low labor productivity.
The second is automatic manure removal, that is, the use of manure removal facilities to automatically remove manure.

In economically developed countries, automatic manure cleaning is often used in pig production; automatic manure removal is suitable for the feeding method of leakage manure floors. Water flushing manure is to rely on pigs to step down the manure and fall into the manure ditch. At one end of the manure ditch, it is equipped with a dump tank, which can automatically turn over and pour the water when it is full of water, and flush the manure in the ditch out of the pig house.

Blister cleaning is to set up a water barrier at the bottom of  the ditch, so that a certain depth of water (about 15 cm) is always maintained in the ditch. The falling feces will be soaked and thinned. As the falling feces increase, the thin feces are squeezed into the manure well at one end of the pig house , they should be cleaned regularly or irregularly. Or a piston is set in the manure ditch, and the piston is pulled out when the manure is removed. The dilute manure flows out of the pig house. This manure cleaning process is not effective because of its water and electricity consumption, dampness in the house, and the inability of sewage and dilute manure treatment facilities to keep up.
Mechanical manure removal is to use a manure scraper to remove manure in the manure ditch. Although it reduces the water consumption and the humidity in the pig house, it consumes a lot of electricity and the service life of the traction wire rope is short, so it has not been widely used.
Due to the cheap labor force and the lack of water and power resources in my country, the dry manure removal method is widely used in China. And it has been improved on the basis of the traditional method and applied to the slatted floor feeding method .Which is better to use depends on the actual conditions.