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How to avoid pigs fighting in the same pen?
During the pig farming process, we often encounter sows fighting in the same pen. If they fight during pregnancy, they may cause miscarriage. For example, if several pigs are raised together in a large pen one month after mating, they will cause miscarriage if the fight is not handled properly;

Method 1
Using a halter is the fastest way to deal with fat pigs, sows fighting, or sows biting piglets. However, it is best to distinguish the strong and the weak before doing it, so that they cannot bite. A halter is a must-have for pig farms and solves many problems;
I have seen some pigs have their tails bitten off in fights, and some have died directly from low temperatures. The loss is still quite large;
Method 2
Find a fence or something else that the pigs can see, but can hide when bitten Open, so that after playing and fighting and getting familiar with each other, it will be much easier to put them together;
Because this thing is not very practical, except for some special pig farms;
When putting them together, you have to spray some vinegar or strong alcohol to make the two pigs smell the same, and generally the fights will be significantly reduced;
After the fight occurs, if it is very urgent, you can use rice, but not sows;
If it is not very urgent, but the pigs are weak and sluggish, it is recommended to inject adrenaline; for those who are particularly excited, you can inject diazepam;
Stress management methods
First, rinse the neck with cold water to prevent stress death;
Then a small amount of penicillin or cephalosporin can prevent infection;